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Tips for Staying Comfortable on Long Walks

Tips for Staying Comfortable on Long Walks
There are a whole bunch of exercises you can do to properly warm up and stretch your feet and ankles. Even the most experienced walkers can fall victim to wearing the wrong walking shoes. For long walks, it’s best to choose supportive and well fitting socks which are easy on your feet’s skin and help to avoid blistering.

The Importance of Cushioning in Walking Shoes

The Importance of Cushioning in Walking Shoes
There’s a lot more than to consider when investing in new walking shoes than you might think. One of the core factors? Cushioning. Here we’ll ask the experts at Forbes Footwear about the importance of cushioning in walking shoes, and why we’re your #1 team in Sydney for getting new walking shoes while keeping healthy feet.

Shoe Shopping Tips for Larger Feet

Shoe Shopping Tips for Larger Feet
Forbes Footwear has got you covered in that department. Our range of extra-large shoe sizes caters for both men and women with larger size feet. From casual shoes to dress shoes to work shoes, we make sure your feet are comfy no matter their size.

How to Stay Comfortable in Your Shoes All Day Long

How to Stay Comfortable in Your Shoes All Day Long
Here Forbes Footwear tells you what to look for in a shoe to keep you comfortable all day long. We can list off all the tips and tricks we like but, at the end of the day, the way to stay comfortable on your feet all day is to invest in the right type of shoes. Even if you buy the best quality innersoles or orthotics, there’s no way you’re going to be comfortable if you don’t pair them with the right shoes.

Shoe Storage and Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Shoes in Good Condition

Shoe Storage and Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Shoes in Good Condition
Every shoe is different when it comes to cleaning. Here are some of the most common shoe types and their ideal cleaning method. Shoe storage is another part of the equation. Here are some of the best tips for shoe storage so that your high-quality shoes last longer. If you’re putting your shoes away for a period of three months or longer you can use scrunched up newspaper or proper shoe trees to keep their shape.

How to Choose the Right Shoes for Your Active Lifestyle

How to Choose the Right Shoes for Your Active Lifestyle
Many different jobs in Australia require us to be on our feet all the time. And while it’s good to be literally ‘kept on our toes’, we need the right shoes to do this comfortably and safely. For jobs that require standing all day, it’s recommended to wear shoes that provide excellent support. Jogging shoes are similar to walking shoes, except that they need to be lighter while providing even more cushioning around the high-impact areas of your foot like heel, arch and ball.

The Connection Between Footwear and Posture: How to Improve Your Posture with the Right Shoes

The Connection Between Footwear and Posture: How to Improve Your Posture with the Right Shoes
Arch support plays an important role in maintaining a good posture. If the curvature of the ball of your foot isn’t properly supported, this imbalance can affect your entire body, resulting in poor posture. If you feel your shoes could be more arch-supporting, then visit the team at Forbes Footwear. They can find shoes that fit better, provide better support and allow you to maintain a better posture too. They can also provide insoles

The Benefits of Walking: Finding the Right Shoes for Your Walking Routine

The Benefits of Walking: Finding the Right Shoes for Your Walking Routine
Walking has been proven to have several physical and mental benefits. Walking increases bone and muscle strength, too. The farther and more frequently you walk, the more bone and muscle strength you’ll gain, particularly in your legs and back. Regular walking in the wrong footwear can lead to foot problems like heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and other complications. Here’s how to avoid problems like these and choose the correct footwear for your walking routine.

The Importance of Properly Fitting Shoes for Children's Foot Development

The Importance of Properly Fitting Shoes for Children's Foot Development
Properly fitting shoes are key in the healthy development of your children’s feet. Children’s feet are soft and spongy, made of cartilage which hasn’t yet developed into bone. This spongy cartilage in your child’s feet hasn’t yet moulded and the muscles and ligaments haven’t strengthened. The fat pad hasn’t properly formed into an arch yet either. Wearing poorly-fitting shoes can actually hinder the development of your child’s feet and cause irreversible damage in the form of improper foot shaping.

The Benefits of Investing in High-Quality Shoes

The Benefits of Investing in High-Quality Shoes
It’s a fact: when things are of a higher quality, you expect more out of them. Whether we’re talking about vehicles, shoes or home appliances, this equation remains the same: higher price equals higher quality. When you invest in high-quality shoes, you can expect to pay more than if you were to just buy cheap shoes from Kmart – but you’ll find that your dollar goes a lot further.

The Impact Of Shoes On Foot Health And Posture

The Impact Of Shoes On Foot Health And Posture
The thing about foot health is that matters for all foot types. Whether you’ve got high, medium or low arches, wearing the wrong type of shoes can negatively impact your foot health. Shoes don’t just impact your foot health, but your ankle, leg and back health, too. Improper footwear can actually prevent the muscles around these body parts from working efficiently, causing them to weaken as time goes by.

Tips For Finding Shoes That Fit Properly And Comfortably

Tips For Finding Shoes That Fit Properly And Comfortably

A quick, easy way to find properly fitting shoes is to get a professional fitting. A professional has the right foot measuring devices to get accurate measurements and find shoes that aren’t just the right size, but the right fit and amount of support. For marathons, you’re looking at a heavier, higher profiled running shoe. For sprints, you’ll want a lighter build, lower profile and slightly tighter fit.

Orthotics can be the secret ingredient to finding shoes that fit properly and comfortably.